Are you thinking about selling your house fast? Consider staging, a hassle free way to lucrative sale and no additional costs to pay. Staging is all about making your home more presentable and enticing for prospective buyers and you don’t even need a professional hand to stage your home. You can do it yourself in the way you would like it to be. It is a great way to eliminate clutter from your home and make it look spacious and attractive without spending dollars.
Buyers are peachy keen observers, they judge your home in a jiffy with just a single look, which makes it extremely important to stage your home properly. A simple symmetric alignment of furniture or cleaning up the clutter can make a big change in the appearance of your property. Staging makes a big difference in the margin of the sale, learn how staging helps in selling your house fast with following effective tips.
Cleaning Is a Priority
Cleanliness is godliness, we are very thorough with this phrase, but we often forget to apply it when it comes to staging a house. Cleaning is an essential tool to sell your house fast and make buyers believe that you believe in a hygienic living. Kitchen and bathrooms should be at the top of your cleaning list, a clean bathroom will always get bonus point while selling your house. Put room fresheners (mostly flowery smells) clean the dirty stains in the kitchen and bathroom and you are good to go.
Decluttering Of Personal and Unwanted Items
A process that comes extremely handy while de-cluttering is the “TDS” process. TDS simply means “Toss,” “Donate,” and “Store.” While staging your house, you could go through some massive mess and decluttering takes forever. You can use the TDS method to get things sorted and sell your house fast.
For example: Toss the used items like clothes, random junk or e-garbage and donate it to the one who needs it or host a garage sale and sell it for lowballed prices.
Rest, store the things that you really need. While removing the clutter from your storages make sure you throw, recycle or sell the unwanted items to make space for the important ones. Store your items in a fashion that they are not visible to the prospective buyers.
Add Color / Make Use of Dead Spaces/ Accessorize Rooms
While adding a touch of fresh paint might sound expensive we will tell you how to paint walls in a budget? First scrape off the shabby paint from the walls with the help of a sand paper then add a coat of primer and two coats of paint by yourself. By doing this you are straight away cutting of the costs of hiring a painter plus, you can paint the walls according to your choice. Utilize your living room and use the dead wall as your center of attraction. Painting just the dead or the central walls will immediately give a pop of color without doing much work.
Tip: Try using neutral colors that will be loved by both genders, keeping dominant and gender specific colors slashes the attraction of a potential buyer.
If you have dead spaces like lobbies, niches or window corners make use of it. Try arranging a low height seating around the window, add coffee tables in the niche of your living room. Doing just a little as this will potentially maximize your sale. Buyers love to see how each space can be used to get the maximum use out of a room or house that they are paying for. Accentuating the dead areas and making them livable will provide you with a hefty gain.
Accessorizing interiors can change the aesthetic appeal of a house completely, which also helps in selling your house fast. You don’t have to buy expensive handicrafts or décor, just cleaning the chandeliers till sparkly clean and adding fresh flowers in the flower vase will do the trick. You can also switch the bright white lights with yellow toned lights or hanging lights to give a sense of warmth.
Let Natural Light In and Update Upholstery
Cleaning the windows can work their magic. While a walkthrough make sure all your windows are open in the daytime to let the natural light in. Letting sunlight in makes the space look bigger and wider.
An important point is to clean your upholsteries and draperies. Give a quick wash to your curtains and upholsteries to enhance the appeal of your house. If you have two or more sets of upholsteries and curtains try making a subtle combination of them. Strike a balance between the paint and furniture that will complement and complete your home’s look.
Trim the Extra Greens and Rake the Spaces Outside
Whether you have a porch, a front yard or a back yard it is important to keep it clean and pleasant. Rake the leaves and cut off the excess growth of plants. Put welcome mats in the porch, add hanging plants on the door and keep away the litter box if you have pets. Doing this will make your buyers feel special and welcomed.
Increase the Curb Appeal / Make Required Improvements
A quick look from the outside makes the first call for walkthroughs. Buyers often focus on the outsides of a place to finalize a walkthrough. Luring your buyers with appealing exteriors is a must, but how? First off, get rid of the dull painted exteriors. Add big and bold hanging house numbers, get the porch sparkly clean, clean the windows and mow the lawns. These are some points to consider to increase the curb appeal of your house.
If your home is pretty and not functional it’s not worth buying. A buyer might give up on looks for once but not the functionality. Take measures to constantly check your HVAC systems, sewage tanks, water pipes, toilet and bath fittings, etc. to avoid last minute repairs.
Keep Pets Away, Add Scents to Cover the Odor
If you have pets at your home, try to keep them away from buyers. We comprehend pets are an integral part of your family, but some people might not be pet lovers. Some buyers can be pet friendly while some pet allergic. It is your due responsibility to keep them away until the house tour is complete. It is not just the pets but their litter boxes and food plates that need to wiped out for some time.
Sell Fast for Cash
Everything boils down to a fast home sale that provides you with plenty of profit. If you think the traditional way of staging and selling is too much, you can contact we buy houses for cash companies like ‘Elite Properties’. They will buy your house in any condition and propose with an all cash offer post which they stage your house and sell it further to prospective buyers. If you are residing in New York and want to sell your house fast without the hassles of staging and preparing your home for market get in touch with us. You can contact on the given number here 718-977-5462 and they’ll do the rest.
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